Is the South African Position on Homosexuality based on Law or Morality?

Is the South African Position on Homosexuality based on Law or Morality?

Is the South African position on homosexuality based on law or morality? The South African position on homosexuality is based on law, as explicitly outlined in the Constitution and the Civil Union Act. South Africa’s position on homosexuality is primarily based on law, particularly in light of its constitutional and legislative frameworks. Here’s a detailed …

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How do I prove my marriage is customary?

How do I prove my marriage is customary?

How do I prove my marriage is customary? Proving that a marriage is customary typically involves demonstrating that the marriage was conducted according to the customs and traditions of a particular community or ethnic group. This can be especially important in regions where legal recognition affects rights related to inheritance, divorce, and other legal matters. …

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Divorce Process in Unregistered Customary Marriage

Divorce Process in Unregistered Customary Marriage

Divorce in unregistered customary marriage Divorce in an unregistered customary marriage can present various challenges, particularly in jurisdictions like South Africa, where the legal recognition of such marriages depends significantly on proper registration under the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act (RCMA) of 1998. Here’s how divorce typically works in the context of unregistered customary marriages: …

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8 Rights of a Woman in a Customary Marriage

8 Rights of a Woman in a Customary Marriage

What are the rights of a woman in customary marriage in South Africa? In South Africa, women in customary marriages have specific rights protected under the Recognition of Customary Marriages Act (RCMA) of 1998. This Act was a significant step in improving the legal status of women in these marriages, providing them with rights and …

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What is Lobola Money Used for According to the Law

What is Lobola Money Used for According to the Law

What is Lobola Money Used for According to the Law: “Lobola,” also known as “bride price” or “bride wealth,” is a traditional custom prevalent in many African cultures, where the groom or his family pays a certain amount of money or goods to the bride’s family as a gesture of respect and to solidify the …

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Is lobola a customary marriage in SA?

Is lobola a customary marriage in SA?

Is lobola considered a customary marriage in South Africa? No, lobola itself is not a customary marriage. Lobola, or bride price, is a traditional practice among many African cultures, including in South Africa, involving the payment of a bride price by the groom’s family to the bride’s family. It is a significant part of the …

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Spousal Maintenance during marriage South Africa

spousal maintenance during marriage south africa

Is there a Spousal Maintenance during Marriage in South Africa? In South Africa, spousal maintenance during marriage is not commonly awarded, as both spouses are typically expected to contribute to the mutual household according to their means and financial capacity. However, under specific circumstances, one spouse may claim maintenance from the other during the subsistence …

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Antenuptial Contracts Explanation in South African Context

Antenuptial Contracts Explanation in South African Context

Antenuptial Contracts Explanation in South African Context: Antenuptial contracts, often referred to as prenuptial agreements outside of South Africa, are legal documents couples sign before they get married to outline how their assets and liabilities will be handled during the marriage and in the event of divorce or death. These contracts are particularly significant because …

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