Can a Landlord Increase the Rent During a Lease in SA?

Can a Landlord Increase the Rent During a Lease in SA?

Can a landlord increase the rent during a lease in SA? No, a landlord in South Africa cannot increase the rent during the term of a fixed-term lease unless the lease agreement specifically allows for such an increase. In South Africa, the ability of a landlord to increase rent during the term of a lease …

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Consequences of Illegal Eviction in South Africa

Consequences of Illegal Eviction in South Africa

Consequences of Illegal Eviction in South Africa: Illegal evictions in South Africa are a serious issue, often resulting in significant consequences for both landlords and tenants. The legal framework, primarily governed by the Prevention of Illegal Eviction from and Unlawful Occupation of Land Act (PIE Act), aims to protect both parties but especially the rights …

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