Guide on “Legal Alcohol Limit” in the Workplace in South Africa

Guide on “Legal Alcohol Limit” in the Workplace in South Africa


  1. Driving Limits as Workplace Standards: South Africa sets strict blood alcohol concentration (BAC) limits for drivers—0.05% for most drivers and 0.02% for professional drivers, as outlined in the National Road Traffic Act, 1996. These figures often guide workplace alcohol policies, especially in sectors involving vehicle operation.
  2. Zero-Tolerance in Dangerous Fields: High-risk sectors like construction and manufacturing commonly implement zero-tolerance alcohol policies to ensure safety, supported by the Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA), 1993.
  3. Ethical Alcohol Testing: While the Labour Relations Act, 1995 allows for workplace alcohol testing, it mandates that such tests respect employee privacy and dignity, ensuring tests are conducted ethically.
  4. Serious Repercussions for Policy Breaches: Employees breaching alcohol policies face serious consequences, potentially including dismissal, particularly when their actions endanger others. These disciplinary measures are governed by fair practice standards under the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997.
  5. Influence of Case Law: Decisions from the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation, and Arbitration (CCMA) highlight the need for employers to clearly communicate alcohol policies and train employees adequately, balancing safety enforcement with respect for rights.

In South Africa, the regulation of alcohol consumption within the workplace is a critical issue, particularly given the serious implications it can have on workplace safety, productivity, and liability. The legal framework surrounding the control of alcohol usage in the work environment is grounded in several legislative acts and national policies, aimed at both protecting the rights of workers and ensuring a safe, productive working environment.

The Occupational Health and —safety_ Occupational Health and — Act (OHSA), 1993, is pivotal in setting the foundational standards for workplace safety, which indirectly govern the management of alcohol consumption in the workplace. While the OHSA does not explicitly mention alcohol limits, it mandates employers to maintain a work environment that is safe and without risk to the health of employees, which includes preventing any employee from working under the influence of substances that may impair their ability to perform safely.

Under the OHSA, employers are required to implement measures that can reasonably be expected to prevent accidents or incidents related to alcohol consumption. This often includes the enforcement of a zero-tolerance policy towards alcohol consumption, especially in industries where impairment could lead to serious accidents, such as construction, manufacturing, or any work involving heavy machinery.

South Africa’s National Road Traffic Act, 1996, is often referenced for defining legal blood alcohol limits, which can be extrapolated into workplace policies. The act sets the blood alcohol content (BAC) limit at 0.05 grams per 100 milliliters for regular drivers and 0.02 grams for professional drivers. While these limits are specifically for driving, many businesses adopt similar standards for their workplace policies to maintain consistency and ensure clarity among employees.

For example, a logistics company may implement a policy that requires drivers to adhere to the 0.02 grams limit, not only to comply with road safety regulations but also to enhance safety and reduce liability risks associated with operating company vehicles.

Employers may enforce these policies through various methods, including regular alcohol testing. However, it is critical that these tests are conducted in a manner that respects the privacy and dignity of employees, aligning with the provisions of the Labour Relations Act, 1995, which protects employees from unfair discrimination and respect for their human dignity.

In terms of evidence and enforcement, if an employee is suspected of violating workplace alcohol policies, the employer must handle the situation with careful consideration of both legal and human rights perspectives. Disciplinary actions should be in line with the company’s disciplinary code and procedure, which should be clearly communicated to all employees.

The consequences for violating alcohol policies in the workplace can vary, but they may include disciplinary action up to and including dismissal, particularly in cases where the employee’s actions pose a significant safety risk.

The Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997, also touches indirectly on this issue, emphasizing the importance of fair labour practices and the provision of a safe working environment, free from any practices that could harm employee welfare, such as the misuse of alcohol.