7 Steps on How to Go About Getting a Divorce in South Africa

7 Steps on How to go about Getting a Divorce in South Africa:

Navigating the process of divorce can be a daunting and emotionally charged experience, especially within the complex legal framework of South Africa. The dissolution of a marriage involves several legal steps that require careful consideration and adherence to specific procedural laws. This introduction serves as a guide to understanding and managing the legalities of divorce, aiming to provide clarity and assistance through the often turbulent proceedings. It’s crucial for parties involved to be aware of their rights and obligations to facilitate a smoother transition to their new circumstances.

In South Africa, the divorce process is governed by the Divorce Act of 1979, which outlines the necessary procedures to legally terminate a marriage. Whether the dissolution is contested or uncontested plays a significant role in the complexity and duration of the process. The following outline will detail seven key steps involved in obtaining a divorce, ensuring that individuals are well-prepared for the legal journey ahead. These steps include understanding grounds for divorce, engaging a suitable attorney, serving and filing divorce papers, preparing for and attending court proceedings, negotiating settlement and custody agreements, and finalizing the decree of divorce.

Article Highlights:

  1. Understanding Grounds for Divorce: Familiarize yourself with what constitutes valid grounds for divorce under South African law.
  2. Engaging a Divorce Attorney: The importance of selecting an experienced attorney who can navigate the legal system and advocate on your behalf.
  3. Serving and Filing Divorce Papers: Detailed steps on how to properly serve your spouse with divorce papers and what documents need to be filed with the court.
  4. Preparing for Court Proceedings: Insights into what to expect during court hearings and how to prepare yourself emotionally and legally.
  5. Negotiating Settlements and Custody: Strategies for negotiating financial settlements and child custody arrangements.
  6. Attending the Court Hearings: Understanding the court process, from pre-trial motions to the final hearing.
  7. Finalizing the Decree of Divorce: The final steps to legally conclude the divorce process, including the issuance of the divorce decree.

This structured approach aims to demystify the steps involved in obtaining a divorce and to equip individuals with the necessary knowledge to handle the proceedings with confidence.

This is How to Go About Getting a Divorce in South Africa

Here are 7 steps on how to go about getting a divorce in South Africa:

  1. Determine the Type of Divorce: Decide whether your divorce will be uncontested (both parties agree) or contested (disagreements on terms).
  2. Consult a Divorce Attorney: Hire a competent attorney who specializes in family law to guide you through the legal process.
  3. File a Divorce Petition: Your attorney will help you prepare and file a summons and divorce petition at the High Court or Family Court, depending on your jurisdiction.
  4. Serve the Divorce Papers: The divorce summons must be formally served to your spouse, typically by the sheriff of the court.
  5. Settlement Agreement: If uncontested, negotiate and finalize a settlement agreement that includes custody, property distribution, and spousal support.
  6. Court Proceedings: For contested divorces, attend court hearings where matters like custody, division of assets, and other disputes are resolved.
  7. Finalize the Divorce: Once all issues are settled and the court is satisfied, a final decree of divorce is issued, legally ending the marriage.

Step 1: Determine the Type of Divorce

Determine the Type of Divorce
Determine the Type of Divorce

The first and often critical step in the divorce process in South Africa is determining whether the divorce will be uncontested or contested. This decision fundamentally influences the trajectory of the divorce proceedings, affecting everything from the duration to the emotional and financial cost involved.

Uncontested Divorce: In an uncontested divorce, both parties are in agreement on all major issues including but not limited to the division of assets, custody of children, alimony, and other pertinent arrangements. This mutual agreement facilitates a smoother and quicker divorce process, generally resolved through a settlement that is drafted with the help of legal counsel and then submitted to the court for approval. The advantages of an uncontested divorce are manifold:

  • Cost-effectiveness: Legal fees are significantly reduced as there is less need for prolonged legal advice, court appearances, and litigation.
  • Speed: Without the need for a trial or multiple court hearings, the divorce process can be completed in a matter of weeks.
  • Emotional Ease: By avoiding contentious court battles, both parties experience less stress and emotional turmoil, making it easier to move forward.

Example: If a couple mutually decides to divorce and agrees that one party will keep the family home while the other receives a fair share of other marital assets, and they devise a shared custody arrangement for their children that suits both parties, they can pursue an uncontested divorce.

Contested Divorce: Conversely, a contested divorce arises when the divorcing parties disagree on one or more fundamental issues. This type of divorce necessitates more extensive legal intervention. Key aspects that often lead to disputes include:

  • Asset Division: Disagreement over how to fairly divide property acquired during the marriage.
  • Child Custody and Support: Conflicts regarding who will have primary custody of the children and how much support the non-custodial parent should provide.
  • Spousal Support: Disputes over if one spouse should receive financial support from the other, and if so, how much and for how long.

Contested divorces can become lengthy as each party may need to present extensive evidence to support their claims, participate in multiple hearings, and possibly go to trial. The process can stretch over several months or even years, incurring substantial legal costs and emotional distress.

Example: If one spouse wants sole custody of the children citing the other’s inability to provide a stable environment, and there are significant disagreements over how to divide large assets like a family business, the divorce would likely be contested.

In both scenarios, it is imperative to have sound legal advice. An experienced divorce attorney can provide crucial guidance on the rights and obligations of each party, helping to navigate the complexities of the South African divorce process. Whether uncontested or contested, the aim is to reach a fair conclusion that respects the legal rights of both parties while minimizing the disruption to any children involved.

Step 2: Consult a Divorce Attorney

After determining the type of divorce—whether it is uncontested or contested—the next vital step in the process is consulting with a qualified divorce attorney. Engaging a divorce attorney is crucial as they bring a wealth of knowledge and experience in family law that can significantly impact the outcome of the divorce proceedings. They serve as your advocate, navigating the legal system and ensuring your rights and interests are protected throughout the divorce.

Why Consult a Divorce Attorney?

  • Legal Expertise: Divorce laws can be complex and vary widely. An attorney who specializes in family law will understand these complexities and how they apply to your particular situation.
  • Objective Advice: During a divorce, emotions can run high. An attorney can provide objective, unbiased advice that is crucial in making informed decisions that are in your best legal interest.
  • Paperwork and Documentation: Filing for divorce requires precise paperwork and legal documentation. A divorce attorney will handle these legal formalities, ensuring that all documents are submitted correctly and on time to avoid unnecessary delays or legal complications.
  • Negotiation Skills: In both contested and uncontested divorces, there will be negotiations, whether these relate to financial settlements, property division, child custody, or spousal support. An attorney’s negotiation skills can be invaluable in securing a fair settlement.
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Engagement Process
The process begins by selecting an attorney, which should be done carefully. Consider factors such as experience, specialization in family law, reputation, and any recommendations from trusted sources. Once you choose an attorney, you will typically have an initial consultation where you can discuss the specifics of your case, your expectations, and any concerns you might have. This meeting is also an opportunity for the attorney to outline what you can expect regarding the process, timeline, and their fees.

Preparation for the Initial Consultation
To make the most of your initial consultation, it’s beneficial to come prepared with all relevant information:

  • Marital Information: Details about your marriage, including the date of marriage, length of separation, and any previous legal agreements such as prenuptial agreements.
  • Financial Records: Information on assets, debts, income, and expenses. This includes bank statements, salary slips, tax returns, property deeds, and information regarding mortgages and loans.
  • Family Details: Information about children, their ages, schooling, and any special needs.

Imagine a scenario where a couple has decided to divorce. They disagree on how to divide their assets and the custody arrangement for their children. The spouse consults a divorce attorney who reviews their financial documents and other relevant information, advises on legal rights regarding assets and child custody, and then drafts the necessary legal documents to proceed with the divorce.

In summary, consulting a divorce attorney is a fundamental step in the divorce process in South Africa. It ensures that the process is handled professionally and efficiently, with a clear understanding of legal rights and options available, ultimately facilitating a smoother and more equitable resolution to the divorce.

Step 3: Serving and Filing Divorce Papers

Once you have consulted with your divorce attorney and decided on the approach for your divorce—whether it will be contested or uncontested—the next crucial step is to officially begin the legal process. This involves serving and filing the divorce papers, a key phase that sets the legal proceedings in motion.

Drafting the Divorce Papers
The first sub-step in this phase is the drafting of the divorce papers, which is typically handled by your attorney. The main document drafted is the Divorce Summons, which includes:

  • Details of the marriage: Including names, addresses, and occupation of both parties.
  • Details about children (if any): Their names, ages, and proposed custody arrangements.
  • Statement of Claim: This outlines the reasons for the divorce, which could be based on irretrievable breakdown, adultery, or abuse.
  • Financial details: Information about the distribution of assets, spousal support, and child support.

Filing the Papers
Once the papers are prepared, your attorney will file them with the appropriate family court. This involves submitting the divorce documents to the court clerk, who records and processes them. A case number will be assigned, which is used to track the progress of the divorce proceedings.

Serving the Papers
After filing, the next step is to serve the papers on your spouse, which is a legal requirement ensuring that the other party is formally notified of the impending divorce action. This is usually done by the sheriff of the court, who delivers the divorce summons to your spouse. The serving process must adhere to specific legal rules:

  • The summons must be served personally on your spouse, ensuring they receive the documents directly.
  • If personal service is not possible, there are alternative methods such as service by post or publication, though these require a court’s approval.

Proof of Service
The sheriff or process server will provide a proof of service document, confirming that your spouse has been officially served with the divorce summons. This proof is then filed with the court, which is a critical step as it verifies that the legal requirement for notifying the spouse has been fulfilled, allowing the proceedings to continue.

Consider a scenario where an individual initiates a divorce by consulting their attorney who drafts the Divorce Summons, citing irretrievable breakdown as the reason for the dissolution of the marriage. The attorney files the papers at the local family court and arranges for the sheriff to serve them to the spouse. Once served, the process server confirms the delivery with a statement of service, which is then filed with the court, marking the formal commencement of the divorce proceedings.

This stage is crucial as it ensures all legal requirements are met for the divorce process to proceed without delays, emphasizing the importance of proper legal guidance and thoroughness in handling the documentation.

Step 4: Preparing for Court Proceedings

Preparing for Court Proceedings
Preparing for Court Proceedings

Once the divorce papers have been properly served and proof of service has been filed, the next step involves preparing for the court proceedings. This phase is crucial, especially in contested divorces, where the differences between parties require resolution through the judicial system. Even in uncontested divorces, some form of court interaction is generally necessary to finalize the divorce, although it may be significantly less complex.

Legal Preparation

  • Gathering Evidence: Your attorney will help you gather all necessary evidence to support your case. This includes financial documents, communication records, witness statements, and any other relevant information that can support your claims regarding asset division, child custody, or spousal support.
  • Pre-trial Motions and Hearings: In some cases, there may be pre-trial motions where certain legal issues are addressed before the main trial. These can include motions for temporary orders regarding custody, support, or exclusive use of the marital home.
  • Discovery Process: In a contested divorce, both parties engage in the discovery process, where each side is required to exchange their documentary evidence. This process is intended to make the trial process more transparent and to prevent surprises in court.

Emotional Preparation

  • Counseling and Support: Divorce can be emotionally challenging. It might be beneficial to engage in counseling or seek support from groups that help individuals cope with divorce. Being emotionally prepared can help you make clearer, more rational decisions.
  • Understanding Legal Rights and Responsibilities: Fully understanding your legal rights and the potential outcomes of the divorce can reduce anxiety and help you set realistic expectations. Your attorney plays a key role in educating you about the process and possible outcomes.

Strategic Meetings with Your Attorney

  • Prior to the court dates, you will have several meetings with your attorney to discuss the strategy for the court appearances. These meetings will help ensure that your goals are clearly defined and that your legal team is prepared to present your case effectively.

Logistics for the Court Day

  • Make sure you know the time, date, and location of the court hearings. Plan to arrive early to allow yourself time to settle and discuss any last-minute details with your attorney. Dress appropriately for court, as appearances can affect the perception of professionalism and credibility.

Imagine a contested divorce scenario where the spouses disagree on the custody of the children and the division of significant marital assets. The couple, through their respective attorneys, would engage in several pre-trial motions to settle urgent matters like temporary child support. They would undergo the discovery process, exchanging pertinent financial records and lists of assets. Leading up to the trial, the parties would meet with their attorneys to finalize their arguments and prepare emotionally and logistically for the court proceedings.

By thoroughly preparing for court proceedings, both legally and emotionally, you and your attorney can work towards achieving the most favorable outcome. This preparation is key to effectively navigating the complexities of divorce litigation and ensuring that your rights and interests are adequately represented and protected in court.

Step 5: Negotiating Settlements and Custody Agreements

After initiating court proceedings, a crucial step in the divorce process involves negotiating settlements and custody agreements. This phase is especially pivotal in contested divorces but also relevant in uncontested cases where the terms need formalization. Successful negotiation can often lead to a settlement that avoids the need for a trial, saving both time and emotional stress.

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Engaging in Mediation

  • Mediation Services: Often, courts encourage or require mediation before a trial to help both parties reach a settlement amicably. A neutral third-party mediator assists in discussing and resolving disputes related to asset division, spousal support, and child custody.
  • Benefits of Mediation: Mediation can be less adversarial than court litigation, promoting a cooperative approach to resolving issues. It also tends to be more private and less expensive.

Developing Custody Agreements

  • Focus on the Best Interests of the Child: In negotiating custody agreements, the primary consideration is the child’s well-being. Factors include the child’s age, the emotional and physical needs, the stability each parent can provide, and sometimes the child’s own preferences.
  • Types of Custody: Determine whether joint custody, sole custody, or shared custody best suits the family’s situation. Each type has different implications for how parents will share time and decision-making responsibilities regarding their children.

Negotiating Financial Settlements

  • Division of Assets and Debts: Assets acquired during the marriage and debts incurred are to be divided. This includes real estate, investments, and personal property. The laws in South Africa aim for a fair division, but what is considered fair can vary greatly based on individual circumstances.
  • Spousal and Child Support: Negotiations will also cover financial support. Spousal support might be temporary or permanent, depending on factors like the duration of the marriage and each spouse’s financial independence. Child support is typically mandated, with amounts based on the needs of the child and the parents’ ability to pay.

Finalizing the Agreement

  • Once negotiations conclude and both parties agree on the terms, the agreement is put into writing. This settlement agreement must then be approved by the court to ensure that it complies with legal standards and truly serves the best interests of any children involved.

Consider a couple who has agreed to divorce amicably. They enter mediation to resolve their disagreements regarding the division of their assets and the custody of their two children. Through several mediation sessions, they agree to joint custody, where children will spend equal time with both parents. They also agree on a division of assets that considers both parties’ future financial security. Their attorneys draft a settlement agreement reflecting these terms, which is then submitted to the court for approval.

Court Review

  • The court reviews the final settlement agreement during a hearing, where it examines the fairness and legality of the terms. Once approved, the agreement becomes part of the divorce decree, legally binding both parties to adhere to its terms.

Negotiating settlements and custody agreements effectively requires clear communication, a willingness to compromise, and an understanding of legal rights and obligations. With skilled legal guidance and perhaps the aid of mediation, most divorcing couples can reach an agreement that respects their mutual interests and adequately provides for any children affected by the divorce.

Step 6: Attending the Court Hearings

Once the negotiations and mediation processes are complete, and if a settlement has not been reached or only partial agreements have been made, the next step involves attending court hearings. This phase is critical for resolving any outstanding disputes and formalizing the divorce process through legal judgments.

Understanding the Court Hearing Process

  • Scheduling of Hearings: The court will schedule specific dates and times for hearings where both parties present their cases. This includes presenting evidence and arguments related to unresolved disputes such as asset division, custody, and spousal support.
  • Presentation of Evidence: Each party, typically through their attorneys, will present evidence to support their claims. This can include financial documents, witness testimonies, expert opinions (e.g., from child psychologists or financial analysts), and other relevant information.
  • Legal Arguments: Lawyers for each side will make legal arguments based on the evidence presented and applicable laws. These arguments are crafted to persuade the judge of the merits of their client’s position regarding the disputes at hand.

Role of the Judge

  • The judge plays a crucial role in the proceedings by overseeing the process, ensuring that the rules of court are followed, and ultimately making decisions based on the evidence and arguments presented. The judge’s decisions are based on the principles of fairness, the best interests of any children involved, and the legal standards established by South African family law.

Possible Outcomes of a Court Hearing

  • Final Orders: The judge may issue final orders on all contested issues, which could include the final arrangement for custody of children, the amount and duration of spousal support, and how marital assets and debts will be divided.
  • Interim Orders: In some cases, the court might issue temporary orders to address immediate needs until a final decision can be made. This is common in lengthy divorce proceedings where immediate financial support or temporary custody arrangements are needed.

Imagine a scenario where a couple has managed to agree on asset division through mediation but remains at odds over child custody arrangements. At the court hearing, each spouse presents their proposed custody plans, backed by personal testimonies and expert evaluations from child psychologists. After considering all the evidence and arguments, the judge makes a decision that reflects the best interest of the children, possibly ordering a shared custody arrangement with specific terms.

Preparation for Court Hearings

  • Attorney Briefings: Before the court date, meet with your attorney to review the strategy and main points of your case. This preparation helps ensure that you are ready to testify or answer questions in court if needed.
  • Emotional Preparedness: Court hearings can be emotionally taxing, especially when personal matters and family relationships are involved. Mental and emotional preparation is crucial to handle the stress and maintain composure in court.

Attending the Hearing

  • Be punctual, dress appropriately for court, and show respect to all court staff and the judge. How you conduct yourself in court can influence the proceedings.

The court hearings are the culmination of the legal process where final decisions are made. It’s a stage where the thorough preparation of your case and effective representation by your attorney are crucial to achieving a favorable outcome.

Step 7: Finalizing the Decree of Divorce

After the court hearings are complete and all issues have been resolved through court orders or mutual agreement, the final step in the divorce process is to finalize the divorce decree. This legal document officially ends the marriage and outlines all the terms of the divorce, including custody arrangements, division of assets, spousal and child support, and any other specific stipulations agreed upon or ordered by the court.

Drafting the Decree

  • Attorney’s Role: Typically, one of the attorneys involved in the case will draft the initial divorce decree, incorporating all the terms finalized during the negotiations and those decided by the judge during the court hearings.
  • Review and Approval: Both parties will have the opportunity to review the draft to ensure that it accurately reflects the court’s decisions and any agreements made. This review is crucial to ensure that there are no misunderstandings or errors in the document.

Court Approval

  • Submission to the Court: Once the draft is agreed upon by both parties, it is submitted to the court for approval.
  • Final Court Hearing: Sometimes, a final hearing is required where the judge reviews the decree to ensure that it complies with legal standards and is fair to all parties involved, particularly in relation to any children from the marriage.
  • Issuance of the Decree: If the judge is satisfied, they will sign the decree, which legally terminates the marriage. This signed decree is then entered into the court records.

Receiving Official Copies

  • Documentation: After the decree is issued, both parties receive official copies of the final divorce decree. These documents serve as legal proof of the divorce and outline each person’s rights and obligations post-divorce.

Consider a couple that has gone through all the steps of the divorce process. Once the judge makes a final ruling on unresolved issues like spousal support and asset division, the attorneys draft a divorce decree that encapsulates all these terms. The couple reviews the decree, requests revisions for any discrepancies, and once finalized, the document is submitted for the judge’s approval. Upon approval, the marriage is officially dissolved, and both parties receive copies of the decree.

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Post-Divorce Considerations

  • Implementation of the Decree: It’s important that both parties adhere to the terms outlined in the decree. Non-compliance can lead to legal consequences, including court actions.
  • Adjustments and Appeals: If circumstances change significantly, either party can petition the court for adjustments to arrangements like custody or support. Additionally, if one party disagrees with the court’s decisions, they have the option to appeal, although this must be done within a specific timeframe and based on substantive grounds.

Finalizing the divorce decree marks the legal end of the marriage, but the practical and emotional adjustments may continue. Ensuring that the terms of the decree are followed and adjusting to the new legal and personal situations are crucial final steps in moving forward after the divorce.


The process of obtaining a divorce in South Africa is a structured and legally regulated procedure that involves several critical steps. From determining the type of divorce—whether it be uncontested or contested—to finalizing the divorce decree, each stage requires careful consideration, thorough preparation, and legal compliance. It is essential for individuals undergoing this challenging transition to engage knowledgeable legal counsel to navigate the complexities of the process effectively.

Divorce not only alters one’s marital status but also has profound implications for personal finances, living arrangements, and parental responsibilities. The importance of a legally sound and carefully negotiated divorce decree cannot be overstated; it ensures that all parties, especially any children involved, are protected and have clear directives on the path forward.

While the end of a marriage marks a significant change, it also opens the door to new beginnings. With the right support and guidance, individuals can manage the divorce process with dignity and fairness, setting the stage for a positive start to their new chapter. Remember, the goal of each step—from consulting an attorney to attending court hearings—is to uphold fairness, respect all parties’ rights, and ultimately, achieve a resolution that allows everyone to move forward constructively.


Are divorce records public in South Africa?

No, divorce records in South Africa are not public. They are considered confidential and are protected under privacy laws. Access to these records is generally limited to the parties involved in the divorce and their legal representatives, except under specific court orders that may grant access to others for legitimate reasons.

Is divorce legal in South Africa?

Yes, divorce is legal in South Africa. The process is governed by the Divorce Act of 1979, which outlines the legal procedures for dissolving a marriage. South Africa allows for no-fault divorces, where the dissolution of the marriage does not require proving wrongdoing by either party.

How many divorces are there in South Africa?

As of the latest available statistics from Statistics South Africa (Stats SA), there were approximately 25,284 divorces granted in the year 2019. The number of divorces can vary year to year, influenced by various socio-economic factors and changes in population dynamics.

Can foreigners divorce in South Africa?

Yes, foreigners can divorce in South Africa, provided at least one of the parties is domiciled or ordinarily resident in South Africa at the time the divorce action is instituted. The South African courts must have jurisdiction over the case, which typically involves residency or other connections to the country.

What are the grounds for divorce in South Africa?

In South Africa, the grounds for divorce include the irretrievable breakdown of the marriage where there is no reasonable prospect of the restoration of a normal marital relationship. Other grounds can include mental illness or continuous unconsciousness of one of the spouses. Adultery and abuse, while not required to file for divorce, can be cited as part of the irretrievable breakdown.

How much does a divorce cost in South Africa?

The cost of a divorce in South Africa can vary widely depending on whether it is uncontested or contested. An uncontested divorce might cost between R800 to R20,000, largely depending on attorney fees and how simple the proceedings are. A contested divorce can be significantly more expensive, potentially costing R20,000 to several hundred thousand rands due to extensive legal fees, court appearances, and the complexity of the issues that need to be resolved.

What is the fastest way to get a divorce in South Africa?

The fastest way to get a divorce in South Africa is through an uncontested divorce. This process involves both parties agreeing on all terms of the divorce, including the division of assets, custody of children, and any spousal support. An uncontested divorce can often be finalized within a few weeks, provided all paperwork is correctly filed and no complications arise.

Can you divorce without a lawyer in South Africa?

Yes, you can divorce without a lawyer in South Africa, especially if it is an uncontested divorce. Couples can choose to file their own divorce papers with the relevant family court. However, even in uncontested divorces, it is advisable to consult with a lawyer to ensure that all legal documents are correctly prepared and that all legal rights are protected.

What is free divorce in South Africa?

There is no provision for a completely free divorce in South Africa under normal circumstances. However, individuals who cannot afford legal fees might qualify for assistance from legal aid services provided by organizations such as Legal Aid South Africa. This service is intended to help low-income individuals by providing access to legal representation at reduced or no cost.

How can I get a free divorce in South Africa?

To potentially get a free divorce in South Africa, you can apply for assistance through Legal Aid South Africa if you meet their qualifications based on income and financial need. Legal Aid can provide you with a lawyer to handle your divorce case at no cost if you are unable to afford one. It’s important to provide proof of income and other financial documents when applying to demonstrate your eligibility for their services.

Divorce in South Africa: Out of Community of Property

In South Africa, a marriage “out of community of property” means that each spouse retains their own separate assets and liabilities both during and after the marriage—there is no joint estate. When divorcing under this marital regime, each party keeps what is in their name. The division of assets generally only becomes a point of discussion if there are assets jointly owned or if one party claims compensation for contributions made to the other’s estate.

Divorce in South Africa: Community of Property

For marriages “in community of property,” everything is shared equally between the spouses from the start of the marriage. This includes all assets and debts acquired by either spouse, with a few exceptions like inheritances explicitly excluded in a will. During a divorce under this regime, the joint estate is divided equally between the parties, regardless of who acquired what during the marriage.

Divorce in South Africa: Spousal Maintenance

Spousal maintenance, or alimony, is not automatic in South African divorces. It is determined based on the needs of one spouse and the other spouse’s ability to pay. The court considers factors such as the length of the marriage, the standard of living during the marriage, the parties’ respective earnings and earning capacities, and the age and health of the parties. Maintenance can be awarded temporarily (rehabilitative maintenance) or permanently, depending on the circumstances.

Divorce in South Africa: Who Gets What

Determining who gets what in a South African divorce depends on the marital property regime and the specific circumstances of the marriage:

  • Community of property: Assets and debts are split 50/50.
  • Out of community of property (with or without accrual): Each party retains their own assets and liabilities unless the accrual system applies, where any increase in the value of the respective estates during the marriage is shared.
  • Custody and child support: These are determined based on the best interests of the children, which can influence the allocation of resources such as the family home.
  • Personal possessions: Generally, each spouse retains their personal possessions unless they form part of the disputed estate.

In all cases, the division can be adjusted by a court order or a settlement agreement, where the parties negotiate a division that may deviate from the standard equal split or retainment of individual assets.